Where to start? Now that I've started!

Initial steps to start building ...

Previously you were shown how to build a template that you can re-use repeatedly using the carousel system to edit bulletins. This allows you to use the structure of a uniform background and manipulate the text on an ad-hoc basis.
The interface in carousel while not difficult to use can be somewhat cumbersome but with regular use has its benefits. Since we are not limited to using this method lets explore some other options.
While it not seem easiest the simplest thing might be to just use powerpoint to keep creating and maintaining the same presentations over and over again. Once updated the slides can be exported and uploaded to the system. Make a new bulletin with the new PNG pictures you exported and your done.
Using Apple key + SHIFT + 4 will allow you to make a selected screenshot, Apple key + SHIFT + 3 will screenshot current window
Click the thumbnail below to see a blank template created using powerpoint, you can use any graphic editor the methods will be similar.


In the example a template with a gradient was created and exported as a PNG file. PNG is the suggested file type for its compatibility between different applications.

The Carousel signage system breaks down into 3 major parts, media, templates and bulletins as show here.

Don't worry the system while it seems complicated is actually very easy to use. Once you have your site up and running maintaining it is a simple matter.

You can use any mix of text, pictures, videos or other media types like RSS feeds from social media services. But keep in mind people have to be able to see it in a passing glance.

The best place to start is by uploading a couple of photos so we have content ready to display as we work on other things. Watching the video below you will see how easy to upload and manage media.

Once you have media uploaded its now time to create a template which will form a frame to put your photos and text information. It is good practise to create templates for different topics such as ..
  • Room changes
  • Future events
  • Class timetables
  • Substitute teachers
  • Building directions
    Ideally you can think of templates as placeholders for your content. Normally a template would be considered the background but Carousel uses it in such a way that it can be either the background or just a spot for photos with captions or other additions.

    In this section we are going to create templates.

    Now you have some content for your site Its time to start putting it together. To achieve this we start by building a template. Templates are great because you can have a handful that are reusable when comes time to create bulletinsm, which is the final stage of producing an image on the display.

    Fusce eu porta massa, sed tincidunt turpis. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vivamus a urna tellus. Integer pharetra vitae nisi et lacinia. Morbi sagittis justo a velit placerat ullamcorper quis quis velit. Sed convallis at risus ullamcorper auctor. Praesent quis velit neque. Quisque semper porta nisi vitae suscipit. Duis lectus magna, ornare ac scelerisque quis, maximus eget nisi.

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